Themes and Objectives

Publié le par CHAM



Practical contributions to both heritage conservation and community development.

Practical work in the conservation and presentation of a heritage site or monument is always at the heart of our projects.  Beyond its intrinsic cultural and historic significance, this heritage is part of an area’s social and economic life and thus has a role to play in local sustainable development.

Mobilising a wide variety of participants – especially youth

Open to all motivated people, without requiring prior experience or qualifications, our projects allow everyone to feel ownership of their built heritage and to become an actor in its conservation.  Projects are especially, though not exclusively, adapted to young people (around 16 to 30 years old) who are looking for voluntary or training experience.

An original approach, serving educational objectives



Work and group life are carried out in a way that encourages the participants’ autonomy and their taking responsibilities and initiatives.  As such, projects represent an informal educational experience, facilitating the participants’ self-development by building up their capacities, knowledge and social skills.

Solidarity and exchanges – the foundations for our project partnerships



These initiatives gather together diverse partners from the public and private sectors, institutions and non-profit-making organisations, assorted bodies working at international, national and local levels. We seek to share our know-how in youth and heritage with partners, whilst adapting ourselves to local contexts and needs







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