An NGO for Youth and Heritage

Publié le par CHAM


 The purpose of CHAM is to bring together motivated people, especially young persons, and to help them to carry out conservation and enhancement work on built heritage. 

 Our activities are of four main types :

 * youth volunteer projects (also known as “workcamps”) raise teams of motivated young people, led by experienced project officers, in order to undertake work on a heritage site.  As well as work, these projects, which last for a few weeks, involve group life and activities, as well as discovery of the local area.

  * « Historic Monuments » training sessions are short projects based on practical conservation work on site, as well as more theoretical visits and lectures on topics such as historic buildings, conservation techniques and the running of heritage projects.

* on the job training is carried out over periods of several months to a few years and has the objective of providing jobseekers with basic technical training and professional and social skills. 

 * heritage education activities, in the form of creative workshops and dynamic outings and visits, are run to sensitise and initiate schoolchildren and other groups in heritage matters.

 Since 1980, through the contributions of thousands of volunteers and trainees, CHAM has played a part in the conservation of over fifty heritage sites in and overseas French territories.  During the past few years we also have been able to reply to a number of partnership requests from overseas through our assistance in instigating and running youth heritage projects abroad.







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